Luckyhorse Industries

Luckyhorse Industries
Founded 2001
Founder James Bertram
Amanda Graham
Genre Indie rock, Punk
Country of origin United States
Location Seattle, Washington
Official Website

Luckyhorse Industries is an independent record label and producer of music related artifacts and art, established in Seattle, Washington in 2001 by musician James Bertram and photographer Amanda Graham. Bertram has played guitar, bass, and keyboards with Lync, Built to Spill, Beck, Red Stars Theory, Pennsy's Electric Workhorses, 764-Hero, and Amy Blaschke. Luckyhorse Industries currently works with bands such as Modest Mouse, The Fleet Foxes, The Fiery Furnaces, Tiny Vipers, The Cave Singers, Love as Laughter, The Murder City Devils, Minus the Bear, and The Blood Brothers.


Associated Artists

Label Discography


External links